English lessons /Interjections

English lessons /Interjections English grammar lesson / Interjections An interjection is a word that expresses some kind of emotion. It can be used as filler. Interjections do not have a grammatical function in the sentence and are not related to the other parts of...

English lessons / Conjunctive Adverbs

  Conjunctive Adverbs Conjunctive adverbs are words that join independent clauses into one sentence. A conjunctive adverb helps you create a shorter sentence.When you use a conjunctive adverb, put a semicolon (;) before it and a comma (,) after it.   We have...

Subordinating Conjunctions / English lessons

Subordinating Conjunctions   1.Although—means “in spite of the fact that”: Although it was raining, I ran home. She showed up, although she felt sick. Although my mom told me to come home early, I stayed out late. 2.After—indicates “subsequently...

Coordinating Conjunctions and Correlative Conjunctions

Coordinating and Correlative Conjunctions   A conjunction joins words or groups of words in a sentence. I ate lunch with Kate and Derma. Because it is rainy today, the trip is canceled. She didn’t press the bell, but I did. There are three types of conjunctions:...